Idaho National Laboratory

Computer Science Intern

May 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The people are so kind and adaptive! They will do anything to help their interns succeed and have a good experience at INL.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have known more about distributed systems before starting this internship.


Be open about programming languages! Just because you learned C++ in your classes doesn’t mean you’re going to actually use it very much. You will have to learn many more.
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Human factors and controls intern

April - September 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I loved how friendly and helpful the people I worked with were. Everyone was patient and willing to help me learn what I needed to learn to succeed

What I wish was different

My first month was pretty boring since I only was reading research papers. Getting to work on an actual project sooner would have been nice


Be humble. You don’t know nearly enough yet.
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Chemistry intern

February - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The Idaho National Lab is a fantastic place to work. They really appreciate the interns and it shows. This internship also gave me the opportunity to learn more about the chemistry field.

What I wish was different

There isn’t much that I wish was different, I just wish it didn’t end.


To get the most out of the internship, be willing to do anything your mentor asks, that’s how you learn.
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April 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I enjoyed that the internship was close. I also liked the different projects I worked on.

What I wish was different

Nothing much,


Everyone's experience is different.
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Pyroprocessing Intern

July 2018 - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The variety of the work and the learning opportunities about nuclear engineering.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten to know more people and made more connections.


I would recommend people to apply early. I applied a year before they called me back.
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Full-Stack Software Engineer

June - August 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Really like how they treated the interns

What I wish was different

Wish i would have been able to stay longer


Work hard and ask questions
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Cyber systems analysis

January 2019 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I loved that I wasn't "the intern". I did real work and was respected as a legitimate employee. The experience I had working just 3 months from them taught me more than an entire year of schooling could have.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to do all the trainings and activities they offered. There are so many great resources available to you while you work there.


Take advantage of every moment. You will get twice as much out of everything you do there than you would trying to do the same things in class.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Lots of intern events, multiple projects, hands on testing

What I wish was different

More working with other interns


Don't be embarrassed to ask questions. Chances are, they'll be embarrassed for assuming you knew something Help your fellow interns
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May - August 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

The opportunity to interact with other minds in my field and how wide my field of study is

What I wish was different

The location


Go in with an open mind and be sure to work as hard as you can
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Business Analyst Intern

May - September 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Great company! Lots of learning experiences

What I wish was different

Took a long time to contact after I applied.


Work hard and if you don’t like what you’re doing ask to learn about something else.
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June - August 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

My hours, friendly, and put a lot of effort into giving me a great experience.. Got excited for the real workforce.

What I wish was different


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Systems Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I really enjoyed the way creativity was encouraged there.

What I wish was different



I would take full advantage of the resources of the INL while there. There is a wealth of very interesting research being conducted at INL and the researchers are more than willing to share what they do/
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Electrical Engineering Intern

June - August 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Good work environment, good workpace

What I wish was different

Location was a long ways away


4x10s can be rough, but three day weekends are worth it.
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Analytical Chemist

June - August 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Great experience in a lab, excellent mentor, published primary author paper

What I wish was different

Town was kind of unpleasant to live in


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Media Affairs/Strategic Initiatives Intern

May - August 2018 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Super good pay, inclusive environment, well-established with extremely high reputation locally, regionally, and nationally. Over 4,000 employees.

What I wish was different

A little more structure for my work time and a desk closer to sunlight


Always apply. You never know what opportunities will be extended to you until you give them a chance to come to you.
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